Reformer on the Mat

Reformer on the Mat

Super fun Mat Pilates Classes inspired by The Reformer and other Pilates equipment. You can expect to stand up more, explore creative variations and work a bit more on endurance. If you like upper body-focused workouts, you are going to love these classes.

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Reformer on the Mat
  • *New* QB Mat Pilates (Shoulders and Hips)

    Strengthen and mobilize your shoulders and hips with this classical mat Pilates flow that incorporates Reformer-inspired movements.
    Equipment: A pair of light dumbbells (1-5lbs) 

  • *New* QB Mat Pilates (Advanced-ish Reformer on the Mat)

    Get ready for a challenging workout! This flow enhances your upper body strength. Enjoy!

    Equipment: some baby dumbbells - 2 - 3 lbs please!

  • QB Mat Pilates (Upper Body, Back, Hips and Core)

    A spicy Reformer on the Mat flow using a resistance band.

    Equipment: A medium-heavy resistance band, 5-6ft long is ideal.

  • QB Mat Pilates (No Reformer? No Problem)

    Go deep with these challenging lower body variations plus a fancy Teaser finish.

    Equipment: A pair of light weights (1-3lbs,) something to elevate your heels (squish ball, weighted squish balls, rolled up mat) and something to help your foot slide (glider, sock, towel, piece of cardboard or not...

  • QB Mat Pilates (Banded Reformer on the Mat)

    Add an extra challenge to your Pilates practice with this banded Reformer on the Mat workout.

    Equipment: Long Resistance band (or dumbbells) something to elevate the heels, and something to stand on for calf raises. We also suggest a wall or something to hold for balance.

  • QB Mat Pilates (Reformer on the Mat with Resistance)

    Use the resistance band as a guide to improve your positioning while building strength. So good!

    Equipment: A long (5-6 feet) medium to heavy resistance band.

  • QB Mat Pilates (Posture and Hip Mobility)

    Pilates mixed with some foundational strength movement patterns. Your spine and hips will love it! This workout is Pre-Natal friendly if you have a little babe on the way.

    Equipment: 2-5 lb dumbbells

  • QB Pilates (Core and Shoulder Endurance 🌶)

    Simple and effective sequencing that layers challenges with emphasis on core and shoulder work. Yes!

    Equipment: Something to sit on to elevate your hips (two yoga blocks, big books, meditation cushion) and a long resistance band (hand weight will work too!)

  • QB Mat Pilates (Reformer on the Mat)

    A Reformer-inspired workout on the mat to get you connected deeply to your core and upper body. This workout is Pre-Natal friendly if you have a babe on the way!

    Equipment: Dumbbells

  • QB Mat Pilates (Reformer on the Mat)

    A spicy full-body combo with an extra dose of shoulder ❤️

    Equipment: Light Dumbells (1-5lbs)

  • QB Mat Pilates (Upper Body ❤️)

    Strengthen your upper body and posture with these exercises inspired by the Reformer and Cadillac.

    Equipment: Yoga Blocks or something to elevate your hips and heels and a long resistance band.

  • QB Mat Pilates (Stand Tall)

    This workout will leave you feeling taller, better aligned and connected. Expect Classical Pilates mixed in with Ballet Barre moves for extra heat for those legs. Woo!

    We added the tunes for you.

    Equipment: Squish Ball

  • QB Mat Pilates (Pilates Equipment Inspired)

    Mix up your practice with this Pilates equipment-inspired workout. New shapes, new feelings!

    Equipment: Long resistance band, but light weights will work too!


  • QB Strength (Full Body Flow)

    Glutes, shoulders and core, oh my! Slide around your living room with this full-body flow.

    Equipment: One weight (5-15lbs, mine is 8lbs) and a glider, towel or sock.

  • Reformer on the Mat (Go Deeper)

    Use a pair of yoga blocks to elevate your hands, hips and heels to allow for deeper positions.

    Equipment: Pair of Yoga Blocks (if they aren't rounded, have a squish ball/foam roller/bolster handy too)


  • QB Strength (Full Body with an Elastic)

    Boy! Challenge yourself from head to toe in less than 30 mins.

    We added the music!

    Equipment: Long Resistance Band (you could play with free weights too!)

    Suggested Cool Down:

  • Kala's Go-To 10 Minute Arm Series

    Add this quick upper body series to a run, workout, walk or anything else your heart desires!

    Equipment: Hand Weights (I am using 3lbs but you could go heavier or lighter)


  • QB Strength (Strong & Flexible)

    A sequence that will surely work your whole body, with a side of hip mobility to finish it off!

    Equipment: 8-12 pound dumbbell or Power Ring.

  • Reformer on the Mat (The Essentials)

    These are the first Reformer exercises you would typically learn. Let's try them out on the mat!

    Equipment: Squish Ball, hand weights and optional ankle weights.


  • Reformer on the Mat (Upper Body Flow)

    A flow that will challenge your upper body inspired by Classical Reformer work. Woo!

    Equipment: Light Dumbells (1-5 lbs)

  • Quick Shoulder Fix (Power Ring/Dumbbell/Kettlebell)

    A mini Strength sequence you can tack on to your practice to give your shoulders some love. Or, repeat it 3x for a full workout experience.

    Equipment: A weight of 5 or more lbs

    Let us know in the comments what you have at home for weights!

  • QB Strength (Glutes + Balance)

    Okay, pals, this flow is sure to strengthen those glutes and improve your balance. Go get it!

    Equipment: A pair of Dumbbells. Mine are 5lbs but you could go heavier if you wish! There is an overhead press, so keep that in mind when making your selection.


  • QB Mat Pilates (Shoulder Love ❤️)

    Floss, untangle and strengthen your shoulders with this Pilates flow. It's a must-do!

    Equipment: Medium-Heavy Resistance band.

    This workout has music.

  • Reformer on the Mat (Classical Reformer!)

    Better understand the movements of your Classical Reformer exercises, on the mat! We will do Coordination, Overhead, Backstroke, Teaser and more.

    Equipment: Hand Weights (1-3lbs)
