Level 2

Level 2

Level 2 workouts will start to challenge your mind-body connection more.

What does that even mean? Well, Pilates is a qualitative practice as opposed to a quantitative practice. In other words, it's not only about what you can do, for how long, and how much. It's more about HOW you do it.

For instance: laying on your back and lifting your legs off the ground is one thing, but the challenge in Pilates is doing so while keeping the rest of your body still.

In Level 2, you will be challenged with performing a few tasks at once, and you will also be physically challenged with more dynamic movements and a fluid tempo. Enjoy the flow state!

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Level 2
  • *New* QB Strength (Full Body - Rotation + Shoulders)

    Full body strength with an emphasis on shoulders and rotation - expect lots of fun combos.

    Equipment: A pair of light dumbbells (3-5 lbs) for shoulder endurance work and a medium-heavy set for wide overhead presses (8-12 lbs)

  • *New* QB Mat Pilates (Chill Classical/Contemporary Pilates Flow)

    A chill blend of Classical and Contemporary Pilates for those days when you're unsure what you need. 
    Equipment: A pair of light dumbbells (1-3lbs) 

  • *New* QB Mat Pilates (Shoulders and Hips)

    Strengthen and mobilize your shoulders and hips with this classical mat Pilates flow that incorporates Reformer-inspired movements.
    Equipment: A pair of light dumbbells (1-5lbs) 

  • *New* QB Strength + Mobility (Shoulders + Squat Variations)

    Give your shoulders some love and care. Jon will guide you through some shoulder mechanics to help you better understand your own mobility and learn how to improve it. This will all be followed by a nice lower body flow to wrap things up.

    Equipment: A hand towel, a weight (5-10lbs) and something...

  • *New* QB Strength (Squat and Hip Endurance)

    Feel strong and stable. We will work in higher rep ranges today to make your moves count!

  • *New* QB Pilates (Seamless Classical Flow)

    Get into a flow state with this seamless classical flow featuring minimal cues + smooth transitions.

    Equipment: None!

  • *New* QB Open Form (Hair of the Dog!)

    Challenge your endurance and wake up your nervous system with this quick-paced cardio workout.

    Equipment: None!

  • QB Strength (Full Body)

    A full-body workout featuring some shoulder endurance and lateral hip strengthening.

    Equipment: A pair of light dumbells (3-6lbs - something you can hold out shoulder height with a straight arm) and a pair of medium-heavy weights (something you can press overhead ten times) I am using a pair of ...

  • QB Mat Pilates (Upper Body, Back, Hips and Core)

    A spicy Reformer on the Mat flow using a resistance band.

    Equipment: A medium-heavy resistance band, 5-6ft long is ideal.

  • QB Strength (Deadlifts and Back Body Strength)

    Strong Glutes, Hamstrings and Back. You can take this workout heavy or light, it's nice either way!

    Equipment: Looped resistance band, a heavy-ish KB for Kickstand Deadlifts (35 lbs,) two medium KBs for Bent Over Rows and Chest Press to Halo (mine are 13 lbs.) As always, your weight will be uniq...

  • QB Mat Pilates (Details and New Pathways)

    Is there potential to dig deeper into your movement and make the most out of your time?

    No Equipment

  • QB Mat Pilates (No Reformer? No Problem)

    Go deep with these challenging lower body variations plus a fancy Teaser finish.

    Equipment: A pair of light weights (1-3lbs,) something to elevate your heels (squish ball, weighted squish balls, rolled up mat) and something to help your foot slide (glider, sock, towel, piece of cardboard or not...

  • QB Strength (Full Body Stability)

    Explore big moves while maintaining the position your torso is in for a more effective workout.

    Equipment: A pair of dumbbells to do bicep curls (5-15 lbs,) a Kettlebell for High Row (15-35 lbs) or two dumbbells ( 5-15 lbs each) and something for skull crushers (totalling 10-20 lbs.) As always ...

  • QB Mat Pilates (Rolling!)

    Rolling, sometimes on the ball and sometimes like a ball and everything in between.

    Equipment: Squish Ball or Foam Roller

  • QB Open Form (Core, Agility + Sweat)

    Lots of core, legs and sweat!

    Equipment: One weight that you can hold in an overhead position for high knees or marches (go heavier if you're marching) and one heavy Kettlebell for Headcutters/Cleans (two Dumbbells work too.) I'm using an 8lb dumbbell and a 25 lb KB.

  • Restorative Mat Pilates (Lateral Moves + Hip Mobility)

    A great workout to get into all the nooks and crannies of your hips.

    Equipment: Optional Yoga blocks for hands and to elevate our feet in the shoulder bridge. A foam roller will work too.

  • QB Strength (Lower Body Strength, Shoulder Mobility + Core)

    If you're feeling a little stiff but want to build full-body strength today, do this workout!

    Equipment: A pair of Yoga blocks or something to elevate hands (not necessary) a yoga block, squish ball or pillow to put between legs, one medium weight for chest press and over head press (I am using ...

  • QB Mat Pilates (Creative Classical Flow)

    Consider how each exercise can smoothly connect, transition, and flow into the next.

    No Equipment.

  • QB Mat Pilates (Banded Reformer on the Mat)

    Add an extra challenge to your Pilates practice with this banded Reformer on the Mat workout.

    Equipment: Long Resistance band (or dumbbells) something to elevate the heels, and something to stand on for calf raises. We also suggest a wall or something to hold for balance.

  • QB Strength + Mobility (Swing, Press and Hinge)

    Join Jon for a dynamic flow to mobilize your hips, and shoulders and strengthen your lower body.

    Equipment: One or two weights that you can swing and press overhead. Try to choose something that feels challenging without being overpowering. Jon is using two 13 lb KBs. You could also have an opti...

  • QB Mat Pilates (Get Unstuck → Sequential Movement)

    Sequential movement of the spine is at the heart of our Pilates practice. Come and get unstuck.

    Equipment: Looped resistance band (a Magic Circle, long resistance band or towel will work too.)

  • QB Strength (Full Body Challenge)

    Let's do it all → mobility, lower body, upper body and core!

    Ps. We wanted this to be a quick workout, but got carried away and it's 40 mins (it's worth it.)

    Equipment: Looped resistance band, squish ball/block or pillow, one heavy weight for Goblet Back Lunges (I am using 25lbs) and one light...

  • QB Mat Pilates (Arms, Core and Legs)

    A three-part Pilates workout focusing on your upper body, core and lower body in that order.

  • QB Open Form (Mobility and Sweat!)

    Get sweaty and work out the kinks through your hips and shoulders.

    Equipment: A pair of light dumbbells (1-3 lbs) and one heavyweight for KB Swings (I'm using 18 lbs which is a bit on the lighter side for me.)