QB Strength (Upper Body Endurance)
Level 2
This is a great workout if you have lighter weights but want to make them count! Expect to hit your shoulders, biceps and triceps with some lower-body action to wrap it up.
Equipment: A pair of Dumbbells 3-10 lbs. If possible it's nice to have two options to swap out as your biceps and triceps can typically handle more weight than your shoulders. I have a pair of 5s and 8s.
Up Next in Level 2
QB Mat Pilates (Freestyle Pilates Flow)
If you need a good stretch but Restorative is too chill of a vibe, this workout is just the ticket.
Equipment: None!
QB Pilates (California Curl)
If your back needs some love this Classical Pilates workout with the squish ball is just the ticket.
Equipment: Squish Ball (If you don't have one, you can use a foam roller, rolled-up yoga mat, bolster or nothing at all!)
QB Strength (Balance + Single Sided L...
A long flow of single-sided lower body exercises that challenge your balance and brain.
Equipment: A pair of dumbbells (5-10lbs)