QB Strength (Full Body Challenge)
QB Strength
Let's do it all → mobility, lower body, upper body and core!
Ps. We wanted this to be a quick workout, but got carried away and it's 40 mins (it's worth it.)
Equipment: Looped resistance band, squish ball/block or pillow, one heavy weight for Goblet Back Lunges (I am using 25lbs) and one lighter weight for Cossack Squat with a Chest Press and a Uni-Lateral Pec Fly (I'm using 8lbs.)
Remember weights are a personal choice. A good rule of thumb when deciding how heavy to go is that if you want to work on strength building, you want your weights to be heavy enough to take you to 2-3 reps before failure. You'll know you're there if your movement is slowing down. If you want to work on endurance, alignment and flow, weights could be lighter. Be sure to always mix it up and ask us if you have any questions.
Up Next in QB Strength
QB Strength (Quick Upper Body and Core)
A short, effective strength workout focused on the upper body and core. You can repeat a third set of the arm exercises if you have time!
Equipment: Medium weights (I'm using 5 lbs here, but I have used 8 lbs for this workout before. It might be nice to have two sets to swap out once you know ho...
QB Strength (Lats, Lower Body and Core)
Pilates makes our shoulders flexible and this workout will make them strong.
Equipment: One lighter/medium weight for Halos and Single Arm Overhead Press and one heavier weight for Bicep Curl to Overhead Press.
Roll With Us (Intro to QB Strength)
A full body, zero equipment workout focusing on our foundational strength moves. We hope this workout gives you a digestible taste of what you can expect in our QB Strength classes here at Quiet Bodies.
No equipment!