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QB Mat Pilates (Upper Body, Back, Hips and Core)
QB Mat Pilates
A spicy Reformer on the Mat flow using a resistance band.
Equipment: A medium-heavy resistance band, 5-6ft long is ideal.
Up Next in QB Mat Pilates
QB Pilates (Gentle Pilates Flow for H...
A well-rounded workout focusing on strengthing the core while mobilizing and releasing tension through the hips, shoulders and lower back.
Equipment: Optional Squish ball, blocks, light weights and something to use for stretching such as a magic circle, belt or towel.
QB Mat Pilates (Details and New Pathw...
Is there potential to dig deeper into your movement and make the most out of your time?
No Equipment
Restorative Mat Pilates (Quick Reset ...
Reset your body and nervous system with this Restorative Mat Pilates mini flow.
Equipment: Squish Ball, Bolster, Rolled up Yoga Mat or Foam Roller.