Work and restore your body from head to toe with this full-body beginner flow.
Equipment: Squish ball (but honestly, I forgot about it a quarter of the way through!)
Up Next in QB Mat Pilates
QB Mat Pilates (Holy Core!)
Classical Pilates, with an extra emphasis on HOW. Beginners, please give this workout a try, too! Just opt for light weights to start.
Equipment: You will need one (8-10lbs) or two weights (Zero to 3lbs). One weight is more stable if you're going heavier. We will use these for straight-arm over...
QB Mat Pilates (Shoulder to Hip Conne...
Focus on your shoulder mobility which will improve your hip mobility and vice versa!
Equipment: Light Dumbbells (1-6lbs) and a foam roller (you can also use the floor, yoga blocks, a squish ball, or two weighted squish balls. Get creative with what you have!)
QB Mat Pilates (Ooie Gooey and Strong)
Swan, Swimming, Split Squat, Tippy Birds and more! Your hips and back are getting all the love.
No Props!